Out of Province National Judge Grant Application

The Association has set aside a maximum of $3500 for the event year for either a field trial or hunt test club to apply for a one‐time grant of $700 to bring in an out‐of‐province national or similarly qualified judge. This would mean one $700 grant per club per event type. If applications exceed $3500, an executive decision will be made. Note: If the proposed judge is not a recent National Judge a brief statement indicating his/her National Judging qualifications as set out below. Name of club making application (one per club).

Fill in the online form below and submit.  If using a mobile device, the upload file may not work; best to use desktop or laptop computer.

*NRCC National Judge Qualifications state:
“Judges should be thoroughly experienced in the handling, training
and evaluation of working retrievers. Individuals must be presently
active in the field trial game as evidenced by handling a dog in All
Age stakes within the past five years. Overall experience and active
involvement in the sport of field trialing must be considered when
making judge selection. 3. Individuals must have judged at least five
CKC approved All‐Age stakes within the past five years. (AKC
approved trials will count for these purposes) 4. Judges are to be
amateurs, Canadian residents (one judge can be American, as long
as they meet the rest of the requirements) and CKC members.”

** Canadian National Master Judge Qualifications state:
“ Each judge must have qualified a dog at least five (5) times in CKC
Master Hunt Tests and/or CKC Owner Handler Master Hunt Tests
and must have judged at least 6 CKC or AKC Master Hunt Test

Receipts can be mailed to (if unable to scan):

BCARTC Secretary ‐Debra Pile
4912 William Head Road
Victoria, BC V9C 3Y8

Inquiries or questions to secretary@bcretrievernews.ca